How to Choose the Right Houseplant for You

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Houseplants Are Important
  3. Factors to Consider
  4. Low-Maintenance Plants
  5. Plants for Specific Conditions
  6. Where to Buy Your Plants
  7. Conclusion


Choosing the right houseplant for your home can make all the difference in the world. While most people look at houseplants as merely a decorative accessory, there’s more to them. In this extensive guide, we will cover how to choose the right houseplant for you.

Why Houseplants Are Important

The importance of houseplants in our lives cannot be overstated. These green companions do a lot more than just brighten up our spaces.

Health Benefits

Studies have shown that houseplants can:

  • Improve Air Quality: Plants like the Peace Lily and Snake Plant can purify the air by absorbing toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde.
  • Enhance Mood and Productivity: The mere presence of plants can reduce stress and increase productivity.
  • Improve Physical Health: Aloe Vera and Lavender have medicinal properties and can treat burns and aid sleep, respectively.

Aesthetic Value

Houseplants add a natural element to your living space, creating a harmonious environment. Different styles, colors, and shapes can complement your interior design, making your home more inviting.

Factors to Consider on How to Choose The Right Houseplant

Light Conditions

Understanding the light conditions in your home is crucial when choosing the right houseplant. Sun-loving plants like Succulents require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight, while Ferns and Snake Plants are more forgiving and can tolerate lower light conditions.

Watering Needs

It’s easy to either over-water or under-water your plants if you’re not aware of their specific needs. While a Pothos plant may need water only when the soil is dry, a Fern may require consistently moist soil.


The size of your home and the space you can allocate for plants also matter. If you live in a small apartment, opt for compact plants like ZZ plants or smaller varieties of Sansevieria. For larger spaces, Ficus or Monstera could make a bold statement.

Best 3 Low-Maintenance Plants for Beginners

If you’re new to the world of houseplants or you’re looking for plants that require minimal attention, here are some of the best options.

  1. Snake Plant: Extremely low maintenance and can survive neglect. Great for improving indoor air quality.
  2. Pothos: Adaptable and can grow in various light conditions. It’s also easy to propagate.
  3. ZZ Plant: This plant is practically indestructible. It can handle low light and is resistant to pests.

Each of these plants is an excellent choice for beginners or for those who can’t invest much time in plant care.

Plants for Specific Conditions

Plants for Low Light

If you have low-light conditions in your home, consider the following plants:

  • Spider Plant: An excellent choice that can tolerate low light and irregular watering.
  • Dracaena: Comes in different varieties and is tolerant of low light conditions.

Plants for High Humidity

If you live in a high humidity environment, these plants are perfect:

  • Ferns: Require high humidity and consistent moisture.
  • Orchids: These exotic plants thrive in humid conditions and have strikingly beautiful flowers.

Where to Buy Your Plants

Online Retailers

You can buy plants online from trustworthy sites like Amazon and specialized plant stores. Online shopping offers the convenience of doorstep delivery but does not allow you to inspect the plant before purchasing.

Local Nurseries

Buying from a local nursery allows you to support local businesses and also gives you the advantage of seeing the plant before you make the purchase. You can also get tailored advice on how to care for your chosen plant.


Choosing the right houseplant for your home shouldn’t be an overwhelming process. Now you know how to choose the right houseplant for you. By understanding the specific needs of different plants and assessing the conditions in your home, you can easily make an informed decision. From purifying the air to elevating your home’s aesthetics, houseplants offer a wide range of benefits that go beyond mere decoration. So go ahead, make your pick, and bring some green into your life!